count your blessings instead.

ABIC Manages Masjid Baitus Salaam

About ABIC
(Est 1996)
Author: Abu M Hanifa
Hafiz-Al- Quranul Karim,
B Sc Engg, M Engg, (IP), M Tech (CIM), CPEng (Mech and Structural), MIEAust-784001, RBP,
CB-L-22649, EC-34371, Ex-DBU 34520, Member ACSEV and ASBC.
Before my arrival in Australia in 1990 I was advised and blessed by Kakrail Masjid Shura members as follows:
“We recommend you go to Australia with a purpose to establish Masjid and Maktab; Our du’a is with you”.
Formation of Huntingdale Masjid as Baitus Salaam was based on Taqwa (piety, fear of Allah) with the encouragement and du’a mentioned above.
Ground work
First few years I was wondering how to start. In 1994 I started tarawih prayer in one house in Brunswick with only a few musallies (participants in prayer) with me. I continued that in 1995 as well, made a lot of du’a with the musallies especially at the end of khatam tarawih on the eve of Lailatul qadr, then encouraged them to help me forming a Masjid of our own. All the musallies were delighted with it. Then I went for my first Hajj in 1995.
In 1996 I started talking about Masjid with different communities but did not get much fruitful cooperation. Finally, one society allowed me to declare the Masjid idea in their AGM in 1996. I prepared a leaflet for the Masjid named as “Baitus Salaam” and requested one brother, close to me to read it out and then we both distributed it there.
The Masjid project idea was hard to believe for many other groups and organisations around that time and thus, I became a laughingstock for many of them. However, outside our community the theme of a Masjid from Bangladesh Community was patronised to a great extent by Late imams of Doncaster and Preston Masjid and a renowned Muslim Professor in a University in Melbourne. I told them that all of you shall remain amongst founding members of our Masjid.
Looking for Site
At the end quarter of 1996 I started looking for premises. Some brothers were thinking to buy a house which was opposed by me. The premise 322 Huntingdale Road was for sale for a while. Upon my proposal one brother readily accepted it and called others to see this place. it was raining cats and dogs. Salatul Esha time appeared, and I asked someone to call azan and then we prayed Esha there under the eve in front of the said premise.
Community aspect
To resolve the discrepancies amongst different organisations especially in our community became a very big issue. One brother whom I did not know much came forward to help and I asked him to do something on it if he can. He formed Murabita (Frontiers’ group) taking members from all the organisations. The pre-condition of Murabita was that it shall be automatically dissolved as soon as the Masjid is formed.
Once, he sent a letter to all our community individuals without my consent to propagate the idea that as if he is all in one in our Masjid project. One signatory of that letter was a questionable person and I had to face many brothers of the community to answer how such thing happened. I assured them that it happened without my knowledge and consent, and it will not happen any more in future. Then, I said that brother to leave us alone.
The theme I nursed myself in the deep bottom of my heart relying on Allah the Al-Mighty that Masjid platform itself is versatile enough to unite everyone under one umbrella.
Settlement of the site
Sale contract was signed by me with initial deposit and mashaAllah many brothers started collecting funds. I went to Sydney with 3 other brothers. About 90% of the required fund, we collected, and the rest was paid by one senior brother in our community. Alhamdulillah, we settled the property within a very short time.
Legal aspect
In early 1997 We applied in Monash City Council for Permission as a place of worship in our settled property, and it was rejected. Then we appealed against City Council’s decision to VCAT, and we won there. To collect all the neighbourhood consent manager of CBA, help a lot. In the day of Court one Solicitor appeared on our behalf free of charge. The manager and the Solicitor both were very cooperative and helpful for our matter. May Allah give them hidayat.
Judge’s saying still I remember as follows:
“Go and Install Flag of a Masjid in your promise as it is in Istanbul Masjid. Permit will leave my table tomorrow morning”.
Alhamdulillah, we were given the permit as a Masjid by VCAT.
Some money was extra after settlement of 322 Huntingdale Road. 320 Huntingdale Road was a running fish & chip shop owned by an elderly Greek couple. They offered their property to us but asked separate money for their equipment. I accepted it and paid them as they wanted. I did not like to be exposed to any risk of going this place to another hand as it was a running business.
Maktab (Darul Huda)
In 1998 Maktab started with 39 students. I had to hire a teacher to run the maktab. Different community leaders started visiting our Masjid.
In the same year 324 Huntingdale Road came for sale. I requested the senior brother of our community to buy this one for our Maktab. He honoured my proposal and offered me to buy it in my personal name to avoid any sort of managerial discrepancies in future. I could not agree to it as I felt it may be lack of honesty from my side. I believe the ongoing grouping and management problem in BoM of ABIC was foreseen by him at that time. May Allah give Barakat in his health and wealth.
ICV’s (Islamic Council of Victoria) first international conference occurred in Melbourne in 1998 comprising many Imams and Scholars from interstates and overseas. It continued for three days. Huntingdale Masjid (Baitus Salaam) was represented by me. Apart from introducing and familiarising our Masjid on national and international platform I contributed to simulating the Islamic themes on global Moon Sighting which was highly appreciated by the person in chair and the late Imam of Preston Masjid.
Further expansion and Grief
In the next following years, I/we started talking to south and north side property owners. South side property owner consented to sell the property to us. Some source of overseas fund was in the pipeline as well. But situation appeared in front of me in such a way as I found no other way but to resign from my position in 2002.
It is not an easy task to concise such a long story in couple of pages. But I tried les the true story turn towards other way. I also tried not to mention anyone’s name as it may hurt others.
As human I am not above mistakes and shortcomings. For anything good, I consider, it is from Allah, the Al-mighty and I seek everyone’s du’a for His acceptance. For anything bad, of course, it is from myself, and I humbly ask everyone’s dua for my forgiveness.
Aameen ya Rabb.
Present ABIC:

Front View 1

Front View 2

Future ABIC:

Masjid Management Structure:

ABIC manages honorably and respectably Masjid Baitus Salaam for worship wherein Daowa and Tabligh and Madrasa Darul Huda are integral part of it.
It is managed by a Board of Mutawallis’(BOM) under the close supervision of an Advisory Committee assisted by a Legal panel and Shari’a Board.
ABIC Members are its life they are treated honourably. Any Muslim in Melbourne from Bangladesh origin are its member. However, to be a financial member everyone must apply for it and in fact every Muslim is entitled for it subject to the approval of BOM.
Masjid Baitus Salaam is the house of Allah for worship. This place and all its’ services are open for all.
Daowa and Tabligh
Daily: Talim
Weekly: Visiting Muslims around
Du’a Program
Khuruj fee Sabilillah
BOM Members Meeting
Learning Arabic
Learning Quraan
Memorisation of Quraan
For Girls
For Boys
For Seniors
Salat Timings

Salat:5:33 AM Time:6:15 AM -
Salat:12:16 PM Time:1:30 PM -
Salat:3:23 PM Time:3:45 PM -
Salat:5:20 PM Time:5:20 PM -
Salat:6:44 PM Time:8:00 -
Salat:12:16 PM Time:1:30 PM